Statistical information of Slovenia
Official name Republika Slovenija
Area 20.273 km²
Length of border with Austria 330 km
Length of border with Italy 280 km
Length of border with Hungary 102 km
Length of border with Croatia 670 km
Length of coast 46,6 km
Capital city:
Population 2 million
Ethnic origin of population
Slovene (83,06%)
Italian (0,16%)
Hungarian (0,43%)
Others (11,57%)
Religion Roman Catholic (60%)
Time zone GMT +1
Currency Euro €, 1 January 2007
Slovenian take-over of the Euro as of the year 2007
As the first among the 10 new Member States which joined the EU in 2004, Slovenia adopted the euro as its official currency on 1 January 2007. The country nestled between the Adriatic Sea and the Alps is thus the 13th state to join the European monetary union. The tolar, the national currency, ceased to be used 15 years after its introduction; at the time, Slovenians paid 239.64 tolars for one euro. The new coins feature, among other things, Lipizzaner horses, Triglav as the highest mountain in the country, and France Prešeren as the author of the national anthem.
As of the beginning of March 2007, the old Slovenian currency (tolar) can be exchanged for euros only in the issuing bank (Bank of Slovenia).
January 1 New Year's
February 8 Prešeren Day, Slovene cultural day
Easter Sunday and Monday
April 27 Day of Uprising against the Occupation
May 1 and 2 May Day holiday
June 25 Slovenia Day
August 15 Feast of the Assumption
August 17 Slovenians in Prekmurje Incorporated into the Mother Nation
September 15 Restoration of the Primorska Region to the Motherland
October 31 Reformation Day
November 1 All Saint's Day
November 23 Rudolf Maister Day
December 25 Christmas
December 26 Independence and Unity Day
Working hours are mostly nonstop without lunch time closing.
- Weekdays: 8:00 to 19:00
- Saturdays: 8:00 to 13:00
- Sundays and holidays: On duty pharmacies, etc., and some private stores
Payment is in Euros; most stores accept credit cards: AMERICAN EXPRESS, DINERS, MASTER CARD - EUROCARD, and VISA.
Post Office
Hours of operation:
- Weekdays: 8:00 to 18:00
- Saturdays: 8:00 to 12:00
Evenings and Sundays only main Post Offices in larger centers are open;
International outgoing call prefix: 00
International calls to Slovenia prefix: 386
Public telephones operate on magnetic cards. Magnetic cards are sold at post offices; at newspaper kiosks and tobacco shops;
Mobile telephone use
Mobile telephones in Slovenia operate in the network on the frequency bands of 900 MHz and 1800 MHz. Roaming is available in the following mobile networks: Mobitel, Simobil, Debitel, Izimobil, Tušmobil.
Banks will exchange foreign currency and travellers checks for Euros and vice versa. Foreign residents may open Euro and foreign currency accounts, and it is possible to send money orders and transfer payments. Changing money is also possible at exchange offices in hotels, gasoline stations, tourist agencies, supermarkets, and numerous small exchange offices.
Hours of operation:
Weekdays: 8:30-12:30 and 14:00-17:00
Saturdays: 8:30 to 11:00/12:00
Daily currency exchange rates
Drinking Water
The water is safe and drinkable throughout the country.
Current is 220 V, 50 Hz.
Due to the changes in climate – Mediterranean at the coast, Alpine in the Alps and Karavanke mountains, and Pannonian to the northeast of the country – the appropriate clothes for each season is recommended.
Average temperatures in July are above 21oC and in January 0oC. In the summer it can be very hot at the coast and quite cold in the mountains. We advise you to check the weather forecast before coming to Slovenia.
Weather in Slovenia
Radio Programmes
Weekend Traffic Information on RDS System after news reports on Program 2 from Friday afternoon through Sunday evening
- in English, German, and Italian
- every weekend in July and August
Holiday Weather Reports from July 1 and August 31, on both programmes at 7:1
- in English, German, and Italian
- weather in Slovenia with special reports for mountain regions and the northern Adriatic
News every day at 22:30 on Program 1
- in English and German
- news from Slovenia and international news
- Program 1: AM 326.8 m (918 KHz)
- FM 88.5, 90.0, 90.9, 91.8, 92.0, 92.9, 94.1, 96.4
- Program 2: FM 87.8, 92.4, 93.5, 94.1, 95.3, 96.9, 97.6, 98.9, 99.9
Anti smoking law
As of August 2007 smoking is prohibited in all public places and places of employment. It is only allowed in special areas as determined by accommodation providers, in homes for senior citizens, jails, psychiatric clinics and in areas intended exclusively for smokers.
The age limit for access to tobacco products has also been increased from 15 to 18 years of age for both sales attendants and customers. As with sales of alcoholic beverages, sales attendants can demand proof of age from the customer.
Important telephone numbers
police: 113
fire: 112
emergency first aid: 112
AMZS - Automobile Association of Slovenia: 1987